Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Life as me

Even since early Jan of 2013, to be exact 1.1.2013, when all Malaysian seem enjoying their holiday, me spending time at office in the evening. I am not workaholic but seem works never leave me! But luckily I have spending time for lunch hi-tea with the whole family and relatives, so it’s never bother me much. And now in the midst of January, still my works never ending yet. I know for the sake of life we need jobs so that we can get paid. But please give me some time to take a breath a bit? So here me now writing the blog to ease my mind a bit.

Thinking of my weekday routine for works ending around 8 pm, driving to home and arrived at 9 and sleep around 10 – Oh my god, what life is it? Then weekend on Saturday spending time with family and Sunday attend ACCA class and its make me wonder, could I cope with these? That is why sometime I will be some kind of ignorant, and bear the consequences at the end. That’s me. Do now and think later. Even end up being stressed, but life must go on whatever it is.

So just now I’m scrolling in social network going through on facebook, blogspot etc. I realised most of my married friend getting pregnant and already have babies. How time flies. Knowing them for a many years, since single until married and having children make me wonder, when will my time will come? I do curious. Who am I to questioned this though. But I leave it all to Allah. Allah knows best for me.

So do pray for me peeps! Thank you.

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