Wednesday, December 21, 2011


I do felt sad since yesterday.

I have been REJECTED!


It hurt when you know you are being rejected by someone/something/some some some..

It keep singing in my head – “Kalau sudi katakan sudi, tidak saya ternanti-nanti”

Opss sorry no proper introduction I should begin with.

I am about to buy a car peoplesss!! Finallyyyyy!!!

But can I leave a secret for awhile what type of car I want to buy until everything settled?

The thing is my car loan being rejected by staff loan application from the bank which I currently working with!!

Funny is, me myself with my department is handling the staff HP loans as my job scope!
Pressure… really pressure…

Why I intend to apply staff loan?

1) It contribute to my KPI and also affected my department’s BSC.
2) It easy to pay monthly installment as staff loan as it compulsory under Standing Instruction, which automatically deduct my salary every month. And appear in my pay slip too ( its too bad actually).
3) I got lower 0.25% than market rate too!

Why I got rejected? Because of CCRIS! I got commitment of ASB and Credit Card.

But come on! The car loan will directly deduct from my salary every month AUTOMATICALLY so what the hell you care about if can’t afford to pay you even I can’t afford to eat and shopping and what so eva la it’s nothing concern with you as long as I pay!!

Lagipun I currently living with my parent. I got my parent to back up me if anything happen!

Ni BNM punya pasal laaa!! Policy berbagai2 padahal nk mengalakkan ekonomi negara tp restricted credit limit rakyat. Konon2 xnak mengalakkan hutang lahhhhhhhhh*emo emo*

So at the end I maybe switch to BMW Capital kot. (my friend ask me, are you gonna buy BMW? Hell no lahhh!! Lagi2 kena rejected camni!)

So wait and see la! Booking fee dh bayor niiiiiiii… tsk tsk tsk


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