Thursday, September 30, 2010

Personal : Foods and Diet?

Im on DIET but im confius

What if, you are on diet
You start to avoid rice for a start
But then, people will start arguing that it is not a healthy diet. You need a rice to have energy. People will “forcing” you to eat rice.
You start to eat rice back but only small amount of rice with a lot of vegetables and maybe a fish.
People will comment bout your foods, try to make a joke on you and the worst part, laugh at you.
So, you decide to avoid rice back and eat some light dishes but unfortunately it’s sweet.
Then people still make a jokes about you and comment that you should avoid something sweet for your diet.
Does you feel fed-up with those of people that are totally not supporting you on diet and they are just lucky having a ideal body rather than US?
So, foods are the most enemy on earth?
Ok, I start feeling emo now. tsk

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