Friday, October 01, 2010

Foods : Food's Pitcha for Buke Pose @ Crowne Plaza Mutiara, KL

Hola foodlovers!

I knoe I not suppose to do this




no review, not comment, just pitcha ONLY?




Yes, I apologized for that but I forgot the name of the foods but really2x want to share with you guys the food was awesome and super-super delicious esp bulan puasa and guess what, it's FREE!!!

Enjoy the 1st part!

Ni masa kt ballroom, as we sat on VIP table *accidently je kan sbb tmpt lain full* kitaorg kena serve dgn bahagia nya! xyah susah2 amik mknn time buffet tapi ni pun serve utk main course je. nk dessert ke, air manis ke, mee ke , sila amik sendiri! hehehe...

Ni time kt Planters Inn Restaurant. Time ni tetiba jakun ada ice-cream goreng, roti john, lamb etc la.. sedap woo! tapi mostly byk repeat invitation for buke pose kt sini. For us mmg la boring asyik gi the same place gak tapi sbb foods die not bad, ok la kan kalau repeat byk kali.

Sempat gak jumpa kawan baru. hehehe... nice to meet u Rahma , Shahrul (Rahma's husband) and Faiq (Rahma's collegue).

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