Thursday, September 30, 2010

Foods : Delicious, Bangsar

hye foodlover!

I had been there with my BFF and her boyfriend for buka pose *confirm gambar n cite basi but who care?* hehehehe... so far i loveeeeeeeeeeeee the choice of foods there and bertekad nak pergi lagi if ada kelapangan lah kann...even keje dkt bangsar, kalu xde geng makan susah gak kannnnnnnnn...hehehehe~
it's me waiting my frens to come.

now enjoy the, d food's pitcha. mine = shepherd's pie and chocolate blended *forgot the name*, BFF ordered nasi with ikan masak pedas and her BF ordered nasi *forgot nasi apa* and rendang daging. sedapppppppppp!! =) the extra air tu sbb free for buke pose and plus kurma! another side dishes onion rings *mcm A&W nyer tapi BESARRR punyerrr! heee...

must re-visited food place!

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