Thursday, July 12, 2012

Phases of Life

Last time, I went out with a friend. We intend to have lunch together at his friend new opening restaurant ( I remember how weird when I have been asked, do you eat meat? Seriously I have no idea what is meat about when it come to lunch. Lauk nasi campur ke apa.. Cakap steak kan senang LOL).

A few things happen.

His best friend suddenly having a risik to his girlfriend after being friend for 6 months and couple for about 1 month. We both really surprise actually but at the same time, happy for the news.

Then, after leaving his best friend to his girlfriend’s house, we both move to the restaurant. Another best friend cum neighborhood friend cum childhood friend, a married doctor. Both of us single been listening about a bit about married life from his friend. So much things to learned I would say.

One thing he said that really touched my heart - "married is about meeting the right person at the right time".

The issue is does we meet the right person at the first place, which at the same time - is the right time to build a new life? What if we ready to be commited, which is we ensure that this time is the right time to married, but we havent meet the right person yet!"

Will talked about it later.

Then come another friend of him. As my friend compliment about the watch his friend been wearing, he suddenly announce that is engagement watch. WOW! I do really feel surprise then.

Within one day, I met 3 of his friends been through 3 phases of relationship – risik, engaged, married!

I admit I been thinking all days. Why this happening to me? To both of us? It is really weird at first but the fact is, this show that every human will go through this kind of phase. So when is my turn? Ehem our turn boleh ke? LOL

Funny part is, end of the day, my friend has been attacked by his engaged friend about marriage especially about his future candidates. Then suddenly, his friend attacked me too. I have been feel so embrassing and what can I do is laugh slowly. Then we looked at each other. LOL.

Let’s Allah decide then. The end.

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