Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The magnificent ROI

Somethin funny happen today.

Actually it is simply throw out by one of my bosses during our recent meeting today.

They were talking about hantaran. Actually as I working in bank, we were thinking to offer a personal loan to public. Perhaps the reason peoples nowadays apply a personal loan to financed their wedding. Then it lead to this hot topic.

Then, they argue that hantaran for degree holder which is about RM10 K to 15 K. ( I have seen in FB before they actually come out with the hantaran price list depend on the qualification) compare to SPM holder which about RM5 K.

The other boss argue, what if that girl is having a PHD? Most of guys seem afraid to approach this kind of girl. The hantaran might be high as that the highest qualification she achieved so far.

So. this bos said, this girl shall be the one the guy approached for. Because the ROI is high. Means, even the hantaran is high, the salary she have with PHD holder can cover it all and perhaps in future, that guy seem can divide his burden to his wife too.

Wow, ROI huh? Can applied in this case haa!! I impressed, seriously! Hahaha..

What say you?

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