Tuesday, May 17, 2011

introducing the so called oldskool blogger T.T

sorry... im not a full time blogger.. in fact im so bz.. last time as i try to log in the blogspot itself is under-maintenance.. spoil my mood actually. But now seem ok.

During my 'kehilangan' ni..ek, apekejadah kehilangan la sgt... i accidently terjumpa blog2 yg sgt best! seriously rasa cam my blog is so old-school dah la asyik emo je then cam xde daya penarik pun ada... and obviously the "owner' is not pretty like the other blogger yg lain smp msk digi contest esp for blogger.. hukhukhuk.. and my blog itself sadly xde nuffnang <-- ye ker spelling ni ..like others.. tsk tsk tsk

anyway, thanks a million korang yg singgah or 'tersinggah' kt blog ni.. will try to improve k. gimme time k.

take a good care then


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