Monday, January 10, 2011

what's on my mind?


hye all. been lazy lately to update. forgive me.. lazy is not proper word, i was bz in fact.

since I was in line of marketing (oh yes, Im working in banking sector in marketing department- will tell u later), I was busy studying and do a lil' bit of researching bout' marketing thingy which it seem new to me as I was in accounting background before and even now I currently doing ACCA, it was hard to me to balance both. I need to study audit subject this term and marketing at the same time. *pengsan* But I try my best as I believe a good person can survive being a multi-tasker i guess. It might be challenging but it can be a good knowledge aite?

i just submit my annual leave for this coming thursday class ( even my class start at 6.30pm, but i think is good for me to avoid traffic jam hehehe), luckily my manager understand my situation as part time student as I do show her my timetable. She do impressed with me but it kinda give a high expectation on me. I don't want to let people down and myself too and I determined to complete my ACCA this June'11 sitting no matter what.

Pray for me guys... love you!!

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