Friday, August 12, 2011

London Riots

London Riots a.k.a rusuhan di London

source :

What make me eager to post bout this topic..coz I have been there before for 1 year in 2008! What a suprise, mcm mana boleh merebak smp ke London ni ( urgh, br td nak bajet speaking London..haih -.-" )

Actually me xfollow sgt pun psl London Riot ni. But what make me concern ada one of Malaysian student kena ATTACK kt Barking, UK!!

And...and... he is studying in Kaplan!! My college!! (Actually me pelik why they call it UNIVERSITY KAPLAN padahal before this it has been called as KAPLAN FINANCIAL COLLEGE).

La****t betul laaa anak sapa la buat ni!! Geram!!

But deep inside I am so thankful as so far sepanjang kt sana, nothing bad happen to me. Alhamdulilah. Yerlah, that student baru 2 bulan kot dh kena gini, bayangkan i pun pernah rasa cam die jejak kaki kt sana with the same intention = to enrol the same college! Alhamdulilah, my place surrounded by Malaysians and betul2 dekat dgn Malaysian Hall, Bayswater.

mcm2 jd kan.. before this Im thinking to finished my study there and works there, tp memang dh takdir I back to Malaysia for good. Padahal sume org pelik kenapa I xcontinue stay. I INTEND TO.. but but... so hard to explain. Lagipun I dh cure my heartbroken which is one of reason I studied oversea...hahahah... ok past is past k. fullstop.

Tapi what I most worried to those kind Malaysians ppl yg stay sana. Most of them are my friends. Hopefully diorg ok.. esp Malaysian halls, MARA Hostel, MARA House and those Kaplan students yg stay in UK.

My pray always for you. Take a good care.

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