Monday, August 15, 2011

Girls Day Out for Raya Shopping!

Raya Shopping..yeay!

It's good when you also hang out with your BFF too ;) It kinda heaven when you know your fren also have some kinda interest with different size of course! hahahahah... it's my choice to choose Pavilion not because I have a lot of money, but I miss being there so much. First planned nak window je actually but you know... :D But I do restricted for raya shopping only even there is also sales for office attire...arghhh!!! I want! I want to restock my office attire but I only have very the very limited budget.. =(

Nvm, I also pass through the new cosmectic mall called Sephora! It's a women heaven you know! Their brand quit cheap I could say.. my BFF said it's just about with Body Shop price and still affordable. I not said it's very cheap BUT it affordable lah senang cakap. don't misunderstood my wording k. BUT IT'S WORTH IT! I just purchased bee wax lip balm ( THE BEST!!), make-up corrector ( it's work like eraser esp when your eyeliner is out of place hee ) and black eye liner. It's also mixed with the oversea brand product that you couldnt find in other mall and the best brand cosmectic offered is HERE! Seriously, rambang mata and you also can update your cosmectic product knowledge *ehem* ;)

you know as woman should know la esp those who hunting for the best skin product EVER in the world i would say..ehehe...yerlah, different skin different product kan.. ehehe...

MUST visit again :D

me trying the shoes ;)

in fitting room ( I looked slimmer ke? eheheh)

We try all the clothes! Layanan 1st class! Kata Pavi :D

We also bought the same blouse ;)

Then, we also make a history this year. Break fast in the movie! my BFF has to called her fren to confirm the time for breaking fast. ehehehe.. But we do enjoyed watching the "Horrible Bosses" movie :)

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