Saturday, August 06, 2011

iftar @ Prince Hotel 5.8.11

Ni kt ballroom and we managed to get table no 8.wah lucky number huh!food very limited choice but they make it about 3 set so org's organized by IPS Co,the owner datuk seri is old friend of my dad,back in 1991 when they working together in bintulu,sarawak.i never thought an engineer can be a bussman (w no buss degree)but my dad said it happen coz all they need is the knowledge,skill and NETWORK.what i mean network is friends.i guess my dad have a lot of friend as my mum said when at first my mum asking my dad to promote me to work in oil's been my dream before but im not afraid to humiliate my dad to his fren kalu my work x meet their xpecttn.serba salah i plan to gain some exprience 1st then who know in future i can be somebody..InsyaAllah.amin..

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