Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Salam & Good day everyone!

Hurmm..lama xupdate blog. busyyyyyy.... keje non-stop, otak jem and blur mmg PALING pasti.. tu tahap dah xbley terima apa-apa pun yg mendatang... kerut muka dah la almost tiap2 hari.. siapla makin tua la daku ini...tsk tsk..

minggu ni paling-paling busy dgn progress test1 @ sunway university college (SUC) for P7-Advanced Audit & Assurance paper... pergh! bz ngan keje buku xsempat ngadap lagi walau a few topik je kuar. kenapa freak out? sbb below 40 marks kena amik second or special progress test, then if same result gak kena mengadap Principal, SUC n present apa plan kita nak score for the real exam in June! Gilaaaaaaaa.... last time xde plak menda2 ni... sekadar nak 'sedapkan' hati la, last paper ramai org fail kot esp P5 - my paper last time sbb tukar examiner, sape pun xleh predict how the Q gonna come out la kan...thehehehe~

So, my plan - call me crazy or what.. im gonna take 2 papers for this June'11.
My mission : complete my ACCA @ June'11 no matter what!
for P5 i plan study sendiri and "gamble" je amik exam.
for P7 since dah start since Jan'11, should be no prob la kot, MUST work hard je on exam Q sbb asyik lecture je susah nak cope dgn exam technique.. ehehe..cakap mcm terror je kan..ehehe...

last few weeks sibuk dgn my mom planning nak gi umrah and offer to my siblings sape nk follow die la sbb ni rombongan ngans sedara sume.. Mula-mula, semangat nak follow ni, tapi pikir cuti dahla smp 2 minggu... keje sure bertimbun-timbun sbb yg skrang pun xleh handle.. last2 xjadi ikot, kelas P7 lagi..ongkos sendiri lg...sedey la di situ..xde rezeki... pujuk hati ni dah 2x gi ok la tu, biarlah next time gi dgn preparation yg cukup..

But then, my mom mentioned psl Canada..sbb my dad nak gi around June.. dahlah after my exam, kalau follow syoknyerrrrrrr!! tapi ni xconfirm lagi sbb so far hanya my parents n my youngest brother je confirm gi... yg lain-lain pending dulu.. xde bajet ma rumah tgj renovation...huhuhu...

Doakan permudahkan segalanya utk saya k... =)

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