Tuesday, December 28, 2010

J.O.D.O.H ?

Ok, as I promised… my point of view psl jodoh k..


Bestnyer blogging time-time ujan ni…feeling habis wooo kununnyer…


Ok, for a start la kan… mmg saya xde sapa-sapa skrang…


I proud to announce..ok, silap..  just say actually mmg saya single and available..


So what’s the problem?


So far, I not say I not happy, at least still I can continue living with my life..


Seem everyone has their mission toward jodoh ni kan, like setting target…nak kawen umur bape..


For me, tipu la saya cakap xde target, just nak play safe if sume tanya target umur bape nak kawen, I just say 28 kot..


Honestly, I don’t have target. Why on earth you gatal2 nak set target padahal x jumpa sape-sape pun..huhu~


I know ppls around me yang concern bout my jodoh. Some offer nak jadi cupid tolong carikan jodoh lagi… I knowww… saya sayang anda.. saya bangga malah berterima kasih dgn anda.. tapi the answer is NO. pls no… I can find by my own. I just need some space ok.. thank you very much.


Bukan sombong berlagak, tapi mak sendiri pun bley kata, “ kalau mak carikan, apa2 berlaku nnt ninie salahkan mak” so same goes to those yang nk tolong cari jodoh tu. So I don’t wanna blame anything or anybody in future ok. Saya sayang anda semua dan tak mahu memutuskan perhubungan dgn anda andai berlaku apa-apa di masa hadapan ok.


Bukan saya tak risau..risau sgt nok. Saya cuma rasa saya belum bersedia. Belum bersedia untuk memberi komitmen pd rumah tangga. Saya juga belum bersedia nak berkorban anything and risk anything to my husband-to-be. I just want to concentrate on my own life first, then family then my jodoh la. I am not multi-tasker, who can do anything within one time. I still consider fail as cannot manage my time between my ownself, my family or my husband-to-be nanti.


Like now, I committed myself towards ACCA, I just wanna to pass my ACCA but still hard to do. Then I just working xsampai pun 1 year… masih mahu mengambil masa bertatih tentang hal pekerjaan, so how I can commit to one relationship? I just don’t wanna my future partner to suffer because of me, like xde masa nak "dating", pergi event sana-sini ke etc. Tu belum lagi mood swings because of stress study or work PLUS PMS ok?


Being in relationship involve feeling, I do admit, I being love frustrated before make me kind-of-phobia to get into a new relationship. But it does not matter. Past is past right? The matter is how can I manage my own feeling towards my partner and my family? Plus my friend maybe… every single thing can touch my internal feeling, like those yang mulut tajam suka persoalkan itu ini xkena. I kinda of person full of sensitivity maybe because my zodiac is Cancer perhaps? Like kenapa xkawen lagi, if ada gaduh-gaduh, sure sume pun nak involve, cam tu laa..


The most important thing how can I meet my parent’s expeactation? PLUS people’s expectation towards my partner-to-be? It kinda funny when ppls expect me the most perfect gurl in the world. Or the very innocent angel that some say “ ninie kena cari partner yang baik macam ninie, or else yang sama taraf? What’s the hell is taraf taraf ni? Ingat mcm zaman dulu-dulu ke? Those of ppls  refer to those guys yang ada degree.. berkemampuan…kuat agama.. camtu laaa… for me, I don’t care ok. I just want to be loved. Ceh jiwang pulak. Seriously, memang la benda tu wajib harus ada dalam criteria kan… tapi that is not top priority kan? Yang penting honesty…


Orang tua-tua kata, lebih manis kalau guys yang start dulu. So, buat pe saya yang perempuan ni kecoh-kecoh pasal jodoh. Mesti la kena tunggu lelaki yang buka langkah pertama. Even some akan argue zaman moden, dibenarkan perempuan start dulu, kita masih ada adat yang perlu dijunjung kan? Call me conservative, yes I am. I living in kind-of-conservative family ok. Please understand.


So, as I don’t like to look like despredo, I finish my line here.


Have a nice days!


p/s : 4 days to new year! Let’s countdown ppls!

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