Friday, December 24, 2010


Just have a recent conversation with my dad..

Actually, he was arguing about the credit card usage by people nowadays, esp youngster la…
For him, this trend gonna be bad as people tend to create high debt in future.
For a second, tersentap la jugak coz I admit I am one of it. Isshh..

Takkan jadi camni plak T.T

Then, tetiba teringat masa kuar ngan BFF, she raised the issue that her boyfriend arguing about using credit card for food.
Mulanya, she mentioned it happen when they were in KFC drive-thru when she decides to use the credit card because she out of cash.
Then, her boyfriend cakap “eh, xbole guna credit card for KFC”
So, she confius. Does it mean for KFC or for the foods itself?
If he highlighted for KFC, logic jugak coz most of us makan KFC guna cash kan. Jarang la kalau korang nak makan setakat snack plate or dinner plate, bayar cash sudahhh…

But what if he mentioned about the foods overall, this gonna be a big big issue.
Because the interest charges on the credit card…
Riba or service charge? So there is issue about “keberkatan”…

meh cari buku ni di kedai buku berhampiran!

berkat x makanan yg kita makan?

Coz foods yg kita makan, akan jadi darah daging kita. So we must careful what we eat. Sebab tu ada halal haram dalam pemakanan kita kan.

So, before my dad bebel pasal credit card usage among youngster including ME, better I ask him bout this issue.

From my dad’s opinion, he had heard that ppls talking about the interest charged on credit card as riba. In Islam, riba is obviously haram. But for him, it depends on how we treat the charge itself. Some ppls treat it as service charge, as we would not bringing huge cash in our pocket everywhere, so we use credit card. As credit card is a fastest way to pay anything instead of cash, so we need to pay service charge as we using the credit card service itself. That how he treat the charge, he pay service charge because he use the credit card as replacement of cash. If he bring our family, 7 peoples plus our maid to eat outside, like expensive restaurant or hotel, does he need to bring huge amount of cash to paid those foods? He will use the credit card absolutely. As credit cards also convenient, treated as a plastic money, can bring anywhere and can use any merchants so we paid the service charge as the credit card department also spend costs to make convenient to us to use in many merchants, indirectly we paid for their costs.

Honestly, personally… I agree with my dad.

How bout’ yours?

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