Monday, October 25, 2010


Just have a conversation with my father and intend to share here.


At 1st, my dad speak bout his interest to set-up business. But actually he afraid of the failure risks that have been faced by his friends. Sebab most of his friends failed before success in their biz.

Mmg my dad comfort ngan kerja skang tp feel kerja sendiri and setup biz lain. I know that. Me myself also pernah fikir nk setup biz sendiri tp takot ngan risk in future. Esp money. T.T

( But then, I think maybe indirectly he want to test my knowledge towards biz. Owh, even I am in accounting line, I have less knowledge toward business even I used to score in biz paper.hehehe..teory maybe but not practically. Huhuhu…)







Next, my dad cakap psl expectation beliau as a manager. Die merungut gak most of his staffs byk buat salah in paperwork smp skang most of their work die kena take-over. Means additional kerja lah. Then I explain in my situation sbb as a new staff mmg la ada salah so kena bg chance la nk improve. Then my dad kata certain work sgtlah urgent and insufficient time nk tunggu smp pandai pun. Mmg betul2 sebijik my situation. Then my dad kata dulu die mmg xpandai psl paperwork ni then die rajin blajar smp pandai. Kadang2 org lain buat betul tp wording and term xkena. Kena rajin baca and biasakan dgn term2 paperwork* mcm aku je…. T.T *

The key word is RAJIN ok! Urghh…

Mmg at 1st menyampah gakla ngan bila menghadapi situation mcm ni. Mula2 ms kerja kt audit firm kerja dgn org yg cerewet pastu nk kita cpt pandai. Adehh…xsabar betul. Ntahla, mmg kena work hard, work very the very hard la… kita pun rasa xbest if bos xsuka ngan kerja kita and kita rasa kita dlm comfort zone bila bos dah malas nk tegur sbb asyik salah je. Hahaha… sebenarnya certain bos mmg tegur sekali dua then malas nak tegur, diorg buat sendiri. Then kita cakap YEAY tp sebenarnya reputation kita dh sedikit tercalar tp kita xsedar and maybe sedar tp buat2 xtau. Hahaha…


Aku rasa skang ni psl mentality la. IT IS ABOUT MENTALITY. Then kita kena tanya ngan diri kita, kita ikhlas tak dgn kerja kita? Kita rasa setimpal x kerja kita dgn gaji yg diberi? Halal x gaji kita dgn sebilangan kerja kita buat?Itulah motivated kita utk move 4ward. Kita ikhlas and happy ngan kerja kita then sume kerja akan jd senang.

Then ninie, please bear in your mind all those things puh-leaseeeee!


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