Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Cosmectic Collection : Loreal eyeliner gel & Silkygirl Lipgloss +

Salam gojes!

“If you guys perasan if I mention gojes means I currently doing a cosmetic review okeh?”

Let’s start bebeh!

I just bought a liquid eyeliner in tab by Loreal. Quit expensive for me but I don’t care as long it will look good to me. Hehehehe… But I don’t ever try it yet so wait k. I intend to buy it after reading a lots of review about that product.

I also bough a very cheap lip gloss.. A Silkygirl lip gloss amounting RM5 only. I think for the time being I use that for temporary only until I find the best lip gloss that most suitable for me. I don’t ever care a bout the price now as long as it can use it for long term.

Future new member in my cosmetics collection

Avon Clear Mascara!

Oh yeah!

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